Ultrasound Machine for San Lucas

Today, we pickup a GE Logic 3 Ultrasound machine in Fort Worth and delivered it to Mesquite. It was donated to the San Lucas Mission Hospital by the Women’s Choice Pregnancy Center. From Mesquite, it will make the trip to it’s final destination in San Lucas.  

Second Grant.

Mission St. Luke has received a second grant from the Rotary Club of Mesquite to purchase another compressor for our Remote Dental Team in Guatemala. It is for us to do much needed dental restoration work for the indigenous Mayan people in Guatemala. Just a reminder … we still need about $2000 to complete construction…

Water Purification.

The hospital in San Lucas Toliman has completed a huge project with construction of a water purification system. This will not only provide pure water for the hospital, but for many others n the community. This is where the Mission St Luke Medical Team performs medical and surgical services. This excellent project was funded by…

Facebook Page.

Mission St. Luke now has a Facebook Page! Please take a moment to like and share this page with friends and family. Your support means a lot towards our mission in Guatemala. Please stay tuned, there will be more information and pictures to come. -Ronnie